Showami Review System

Feedback is an important way to find out how we’re doing. Showami reviews were created as a way to ensure a great experience for both buyer’s agents and showing agents. We take ratings very seriously; agents with low ratings may lose access to Showami.

Showami uses a combination of agent reviews, the number of completed showings along with the completeness of the agent profile to determine the order in which notifications get sent out. Agents with better ratings, fully completed profiles with a professional photo and more showing experience will be the first to receive notifications.

At the end of each showing, you’ll receive an email that allows you to rate the other agent from 1 to 5 stars and give specific feedback. Your rating should reflect the quality of service you think was provided by that particular agent.

Having trouble choosing a rating for the other agent? Here are a few tips:

  • 5 stars means there were no issues
  • If we see a 1-Star rating, it typically means that there is a serious problem
  • Did the agent communicate well throughout the process?
  • If rating a showing agent, was the agent on time?
  • Were they professional?
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