Things Showing Assistants Shouldn’t Do On Showami

We want Showami users to have a positive, safe and respectful experience on the Showami platform. Our policies are developed with this in mind. We know that agents depend on Showami for income and as an important part of their business.  Agents don’t lose access often but we feel it is important to remind everyone what activities can get you deactivated from Showami.

Attempting to bypass Showami 

Trying to go around Showami to find showing help or solicit initiating agents for future showings outside of the platform is strictly forbidden and is basis for deactivation. We actively pursue agents who violate this policy and either issue a warning or deactivate them. Please notify Support at [email protected] if you are approached by an agent engaging in this activity.

Soliciting clients

We take a zero-tolerance stance when it comes to solicitation, either during the showing or after the showing. Your account will not only be blocked from Showami, but we will also notify your employing broker. If you are the broker, then we will notify any associations you are in of your lack of moral behavior. 

When you first signed up for Showami, you signed an End User License Agreement that very clearly states that you agreed to not solicit another agent’s client for up to 3 years.

Poor ratings/reviews 

Agent reviews are used to alert Showami regarding showing issues and are regularly monitored.  Most of the time we are able to address the issue and agents are willing to correct their behavior so only a warning is issued.  Repeated violations and serious violations can result in immediate deactivation.

Excessive cancellations 

This goes back to “Attempting To Bypass Showami”. We use excessive cancellations as a metric used to indicate if a showing assistant is attempting to bypass Showami. This behavior also demonstrates a lack of professionalism and reliability. 

Inactive real estate license

In order to perform an activity on Showami, you must be a currently licensed real estate agent. This is to ensure that agents on our platform are licensed to conduct real estate-related activity and not on Showami to abuse or mistreat our agents in any capacity.

Discrimination or aggressive behavior

Discrimination acts based on a person’s race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or other. Are strictly prohibited and will result in being blocked from the platform. Also, acting hostile toward an agent or client, may include excessive swearing, yelling, physical altercation, or rude gestures. Are also not tolerated when conducting business on Showami.

Showing up late or a no-show

It is your responsibility to notify all parties involved if you are unable to make it or will be late based on circumstances. However, consistent tardiness and no-show without notifying the parties involved could result in your account being blocked. It not only makes you (as an agent) look bad, but it poorly reflects on Showami and the agent requesting the showing.

Lack in professionalism

Dress appropriately for a home showing and behave with the utmost professionalism. This includes also behaving professionally by not continually rolling your eyes, acting like you don’t care about the home, loudly yawning to speed up the showing process, not slamming doors, etc. If consistent reports come in talking about these behaviors, we will block those users from our platform.

Automated showing requests

Automated Showings

Real estate agents leveraging automation in their business, are able to outpace agents that aren’t….

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